Some how this blog went from being about MDs and things MDs deal with to ME. Bleh. So to those who found my last... um, 25 or so blogs useless to anything MD, I'm sorry. I never meant to let this run away and become about me, it was about you all, for you all. I will work hard to take this back to you all and not let it become about me (again).
I found this quote I'd cut out a long time ago, I have no idea who said it, but it made me think of you all. "Bravery is about a willingness to show emotional need" and for those of you who have reached out and allowed me to be "there" for you, I admire you. And for those who have even just let me be a part of your life through our MD connection I commend you too, it's not easy being an MD but there's a comfort knowing your not alone and you have a place to "go" so to speak, not just with me but with other MDs all over. You guys are great and again, sorry about how off track I got.
XO All
OK so obviously this comment is coming WAY after the original post but just wanted to say... No worries. I'm not a very good blogger, though I try and even in my digi-scrap designing blog where I try to keep things "professional" they sometimes turn personal by way of explanation, stress, etc. Anyway just wanted to say that I, personally, am here for you as well. Being a MD is hard and there are things we wish we could tell our Mom's but we can't so somewhere you have to find that outlet, so what if this became the place. Hope I made sense I am a bit sleep-deprived ATM.