Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Everybody Needs a Celeb Once In A While ;)

So I'm not a HUGE celeb fan, I kinda of tend to dislike them, or how they behave.  Cause I think so many of them are fake.  Often times I feel like they claim to support a cause but when it comes down to it, unless it's good for their image, they don't.  I also have a love/hate relationship with Twitter (this is going some place I promise).. lol  I love that Twitter has changed means of communication.  I started using Twitter a long time ago to get updates on news.  I thought that was great!  I love the potential Twitter has for connecting the world and doing good.  I hate that I'm following Lindsay Lohan. I hate that I have allowed myself to get sucked into that weird , "must peek into someone else's life" thing.  Though it is entertaining.  LOL  But I digress.  What I find interesting about Twitter is that you start to gauge the "real" side of those famous people I hate that I'm following.  Sometimes it sucks to know that someone you admire is really, in "real" life mean, or not nice or "bad", but it's good to know that, we probably don't need to idolize our idols the way _I_ do.

Okay so background, somewhat explained.  Sorta.  Whatever.  Okay so a while back I thought, Oh, great look how much you can connect the world with Twitter.  Look how many "followers" a person can get (I also hate the "follow" concept, but it can be good).  When a person had thousands of followers a message can get to the world faster.  So in my infinite wisdom (insert self-deprecating smile here) I created a Twitter account for Motherloss.  I thought, if the world can follow anyone at the click of a button and if people can "tweet" about being an MD then GREAT!  More awareness, less people feeling alone...  You get the picture.  Well actually originally I started with JUST an MD thing but I've recently changed it to "Motherloss" for everyone.  Anyway so Twitter account created.  I've worked "hard" to try to get awareness.  It helps when you have famous people or people with thousands of followers.  Thus far, I've learned that famous people like causes but not always are they willing to "help" raise awareness just with a click.  That kind of saddens me, but won't stop me from trying to raise awareness for us Motherloss.  But again I digress, I pretty much HAVEN'T stayed on subject, if you're still reading and still know what's going on, well that makes one of us. ;)

A few months ago Miss USA was crowned, (I will not start on THAT subject) lol but because the current "Queen" (is that what they're called?) the current crown-holder intrigued me.  Right after she was crowned people started claiming she was Hezbollah and saying other slanderous things about her.  She's Lebanese and was raised mostly in Michigan.  Of course the slander made me want to learn more about her.  During my "research" I found out that her cause (I guess they all pick causes), anyway her cause is Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer awareness.  Breast cancer awareness is common but Ovarian Cancer is less common.  Since my mom died of Ovarian Cancer, I was instantly intrigued.  So I "followed" her on Twitter.  (I swear to you, the point is coming up!!).  I've "tweeted" back and forth with her occasionally and of course MOST of the time when she tweets random things it's basic tweet stuff.  "Driving in the car", "Headed to dinner", "putting on my shoe" (whatever) lol but I have tweeted occasionally about her cause.  She's always seemed kind about it but I who knows, it's Twitter for Pete's sake!  Anyway, I feel proud of myself because I got her to follow Motherloss.  Now this may not seem big to you guys but A), I've tried to gain "celeb" followers because they have a greater connection than I, and let's be honest, in this world today, if you don't have a "celeb" on your side, it's a heck of a lot harder to get awareness.  Again, I've tried to get others to uhh, join the cause but they just didn't seem to care enough to click follow.  So yay, that she seems more true about her "cause" than I expected.  B) Yay because whenever she tweets Motherloss now, everyone will know and slowly I will build the awareness with her help and everyone else's help who feel like helping! :)  And C) I feel like I made a small step in the right direction.  Again I'm not putting everything on Celebs, I already think they have too much "power", but we all need a celeb now and again.  So to have her follow and help raise awareness, well it gives me some hope that one day my "big plan" will work out.  The plan is too big to get into now but Mandy knows, so Mandy I expect a virtual hi-five right about... NOW! ;)

Again I know this might now seem like a really big deal to you guys but I've been working on Motherloss for years, it's my baby and some days I feel like I'm about as useful as if I were pushing Jello up a cement hill on a hot day and some days I'm reminded that maybe I can create awareness, maybe I can get to the "big plan".  If I can get a new person every day to realize that being an MD can be tough but that they aren't alone, well then it was a good day.  A slow process but to me every little bit counts.  Getting someone "famous" or rather with many followers, well it can only help reach others who might be without a mom.  Anyway, today was a good day for Motherloss or least I think so.  Today I feel like maybe it's okay to "sell my soul" to the rich and famous if it means I can reach a wider audience.  lol

Just be happy for me, even if you don't think it's all that great.  ;)  Just lie to me.  Just this once.  lol


  1. Okay, here it is Ellie, get ready, virtual "high five" in your direction! I think that's great and I think when you are trying to something big those little things can mean a lot!! I do know the "big plan" and think it is a wonderful and real possibility. I was recently interpreting something and the presenter said that people who have big ideas and dreams need get used to hearing the word "no", because it will happen many more times then the ultimate yes that will lead you where you want to go. For example, the man who invented the xerox copy machine presented his idea to 25 major corporations and was turned down by each one before finally getting it accepted. I think these no's can take many forms, and they are all pretty frustrating. But keep at it, and maybe, let say maybe 2 years? (is that too ambitious, I don't think so) we can make it happen!! In the meantime while you are working on that, I am working on my idea that I have been pursuing, but there are days when I think to myself, maybe I am just too big of a dreamer. Too overambitious. But really, there is no other way to be. :) Yay for you and for Motherloss!!! (the cause not the actual mom dying part, haha)

  2. Thanks Mandy, for the hi-five, the words of wisdom and your constant support :) PS when do I get to hear how your big plan is going?? AND, you're funny.... "Yay for you and for Motherloss!!! (the cause not the actual mom dying part, haha)" LOL
